You know those super sexy creative briefs with an unlimited budget all the teams want to work on? This was not one of those. It was a request from the network of Lexus dealers for an internal video that shows their high standard of customer service. After wandering the halls of a very posh Lexus dealership in Plano, Texas, I noticed a bulletin board full of hand-written letters from happy customers. “Do you have more of these?” I asked the manager. “You wouldn’t believe,” he said.

A month later our team gathered over 2,000 letters from real Lexus customers and partnered with perceptual artist, Michael Murphy, to create an 18-ft handcrafted installation to represent how Lexus applies the same level of care to the car buying experience as their vehicles. What was supposed to be an internal piece only played at dealerships, the film was so well-received, the Lexus marketing team aired it nationally. It also inspired the brand’s newest platform and campaign for 2019.

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Agency: Team One Director: Leo Zuckerman
Amanda Abrams D/P: Kiel Milligan
ACD/AD: Jim Darling Editor: Leo Zuckerman