Lego | Movie Maker Mobile App

As a comic book fan, this was a dream project. As a LEGO nerd, also a dream project. Which I suppose is like having a pleasant dream of having a really good dream. Anyway, to help launch the LEGO Super Heroes product line for both Marvel and DC, my partner and I concepted and created the LEGO Movie Maker app. This playful app gave kids the ability to capture their imagination by shooting, editing, and sharing their own LEGO stop-motion videos. A month after launching, the app had racked up over 600,000 unique downloads and garnered a flurry of positive press including this NY Times write-up and an op-ed from a teacher praising the app for helping children overcome language development delays.


One Show | Cannes Lion | Webby Awards | London Int. Awards | CA | SXSW Interactive The FWA | The A-List Awards | ADC Tomorrow Awards


The best part about this project is the Movie Maker app is still being used 10 years later. Now, I’m not going to say our little app inspired a half-billion-dollar movie franchise, buuuut to help promote The LEGO Movie 2 the Movie Maker app was reskinned and bundled with several LEGO Movie 2 sets. It was even featured in the promotional event “Emmet’s Movie Maker Challenge.”

While the Movie Maker app won all kinds of awards, I cannot even begin to explain to you how awesome it is to walk into a toy store with my son, pick up a LEGO set and point out how that little app right there on the box….yeah, your Dad made that.



Agency: Pereira & O’Dell
Jonathan Woytek
Sr. AD: Rinee Shah